I.U.P.A. Local Hammond Police Association, #345 Showing Solidarity with CWA Members

By August 26, 2024 No Comments

I.U.P.A. Local Hammond Police Association, #345 showed their solidarity with members of the Communications Workers of America Union (CWA) by bringing them pizza for lunch while they were striking for better pay and benefits.

CWA District 3 AT&T Southeast’s statement on this read, “Yesterday, 17,000 CWA members across the southeast went on an Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) Strike against AT&T. At the same time our members were heading to the picket line, CWA leadership met with AT&T’s bargaining representatives to discuss the current status of contract negotiations and the bad faith bargaining tactics that AT&T has been engaged in at the bargaining table. While we hoped this meeting might be constructive, it was unfortunately just more of the same from AT&T.”

CWA District 3 AT&T Southeast Vice President Brent Simon shared, “We walked out and went on an ULP strike Friday August 16th. We are just seeking a fair and just contract. We have a lot of new members who have never experienced this before, but through this strike, we have grown closer together and more unified across many departments. It was an even greater experience when the Hammond Union of Police Local 345 showed up with lunch. It was an inspiration to know that we are supported by other unions who are out there to help the working-class family. We will continue to fight for a fair contract and greatly appreciate the support from the Hammond Union of Police Local 345.”