Hero Spotlight: Officer Daniel Ekis

By September 30, 2024 No Comments

I.U.P.A. Local Sarasota County School Police Association, #6046 Member Officer Daniel Ekis received a letter and certificate of recognition from the International Union of Police Associations for saving the life of a child.

I.U.P.A. President Cabral and I.U.P.A. Secretary-Treasurer Crivello signed a certificate that I.U.P.A. Local Sarasota County School Police Association, #6046 President Mary McCarrick presented to him along with a letter penned by President Cabral, which stated, “On behalf of the International Union of Police Associations, I am honored to commend you for your lifesaving actions.”

President Cabral continued, “On September 17, 2024, at Sarasota High School a call came out on the school radio requesting assistance in the cafeteria for a student choking.  Security Guard Wilson arrived and confirmed the student was choking and unable to breathe.  Security Monitor Wilson performed the Heimlich maneuver, but was not successful in clearing the passageway.  You then arrived and performed the Heimlich maneuver, dislodging the item and allowing the student to breathe freely again.”

President Cabral concluded by stating, “The student was in imminent danger of suffocation, leaving him in a life-threatening situation. Without your quick response the student would have suffocated.  You saved the student’s life and prevented a tragedy. Your actions reflect the very highest traditions of this noble profession and are deservedly commended.”