Presentation by Paul Taylor with Force Science Institute

Force Science Institute: the science behind use of force and cutting edge research into the dynamics of human behavior

This Force Science® presentation is designed to clearly present, in a practical and understandable fashion, the results of the most cutting-edge research into the dynamics of human behavior during life-threatening encounters. Force Science®Instructor Paul Taylor will explore the application of unbiased scientific principles and processes in repetitive physical experiments designed to determine the true nature of suspect provocation and officer response (action-reaction dynamics).

The goal of the presentation is to encourage law enforcement professionals to apply the important concepts revealed in this research when investigating, reconstructing, recalling or otherwise analyzing a use of force. The integration of this information has been proven to enhance the accuracy and thoroughness of decisions made relative to behavior and performance during the incident.

Paul Taylor

Force Science Institute

In addition to being a member of the Force Science® Institute’s training team and the coordinator of the Institute’s elite 10-week Advanced Force Science® Specialist course, of which he is a graduate, Paul Taylor important sourcethe best replica watches in the world is also a key member of the Institute’s elite research team. He is a graduate of the United States Navy’s Law Enforcement Academy where he placed at the top of his class. Following his term as a naval law enforcement officer, Taylor served as a patrol officer with the Riverside (CA) Sheriff’s Office as well as a sergeant, use-of-force trainer and training program coordinator at the University of Colorado, Boulder.

He is a Ph.D. candidate at the University at Albany, State University of New York where his focus of study is police decision making and human error within the context of use-of-force encounters. Taylor is also the Managing Editor of Justice Quarterly, a top ranked academic journal in the field of criminal justice. In addition to his teaching, Taylor has presented critical results of research on police decision making and training at academic and professional conferences nationwide.

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