Sometimes our lives get so busy that we forget to be present and to enjoy the moment. For that reason, the health coaches at UWAC want to talk to you today about mindfulness. It is our wish that you will have a fulfilling 2022. Please watch the following video to get you started on how to be more present in the world around us.
Find out more at https://uwac.com/
Additional UWAC resources include:
- UWAC: FYIs About Diabetes Mellitus
- UWAC: Tips for At Home Workouts
- Advice from UWAC: Is There a Healthy Way to Lose Weight?!
- UWAC Powered by TRIADA: Neck Pain Exercise Tips
- Advice from UWAC for I.U.P.A. Members: Budgeting for Retirement
- Advice from UWAC for I.U.P.A. Members: Budgeting in Uncertain Times
- Advice from UWAC for I.U.P.A. Members: Preventing Low Back Pain
- Advice for I.U.P.A. Members from UWAC: How-To Rehydrate the Right Way