Toledo Police Department posted on Facebook, “Last night area first responders partnered with Light Ohio Blue for #OperationSantaSleigh2022. The caravan made its way around ProMedica Russell J. Ebeid Children’s Hospital to spread holiday joy to children in need. Thank you to everyone who participated! #toledopolice”. Mr. Greg Zattau, Vice President…
I.U.P.A. Local Virginia Beach Police Benevolent Association 34 collected money from the Virginia Beach, Virginia community and used the funds to purchase gift cards at Food Lion grocery stores. They then gifted the cards to Virginia Beach Human Services for them to distribute to needy families for holiday groceries. They…
The winners of the LEORF Harley Raffle 2022 are: 1st Prize: Grand American Touring 2022 Street Glide® Special in Black for Mr. Jon Miller from New York. 2nd Prize: $1,000 for Mr. James Cady from Florida. 3rd Prize: $500 for Mr. Hector Corchuelo from New York. The…
Concerns of Police Survivors (C.O.P.S.) has more than doubled in membership in the past 10 years. The average used to be between 140-160 officers die in the line of duty each year, however, COVID, deaths from 9/11 cancer, and increased violence has made that average inaccurate. Our membership has…
Law enforcement can be a tough—and oftentimes distressing—career, which makes it important to acknowledge police officer mental health and its unique stigma in the police community. Though police officers have never had it easy, public unrest especially in 2020 and beyond has added new stressors to the job and taken a toll…
Get your ticket for the 2nd Annual Harley Raffle NOW before it is too late. The deadline to get a ticket is December 7, 2022! The drawing date for the raffle is December 16. 2022. Thanks to the combined efforts of the Law Enforcement Officers Relief Fund and…