I.U.P.A. Local Sarasota County School Police Association, #6046 Member School Resource Officer Michael Chrone saved a man’s life when he was having a medical emergency next to Glenallen Elementary, where he serves as the SRO. The wife of the man he saved later visited him to thank him and tell him that his efforts undoubtedly saved her husband’s life.
Officer Chrone recounted the events of that day, “On Thursday, August 10th, 2023, at approximately 9:50 a.m., Cafeteria worker Ms. Patricia Vanfleet came to my office. Ms. VanFleet stated to me that when she got out of her car to come into the front office, she observed a man holding onto the fence, moaning loudly, and mumbling incoherently, and that he seemed in distress. She stated that he was outside the fence – which adjoins Glenallen school property – and not on school property.”
He continued, “I went out to talk to the man (who was identified as David Romero) and noticed that he was swaying as he was holding on to the fence, moaning loudly, sweating profusely, and his lips were whitish and pruned. When I asked him if he needed help, he was talking incoherently. I immediately found the address number and notified North Port Police dispatch to send an ambulance to 7125 W Price Blvd. for a Hispanic male who was in medical distress, but conscious and breathing. I grabbed a chair that was in his backyard and had him sit down to rest. When North Port PD and the rescue squad showed up, I went back to my duties.”
Officer Chrone continued, “Today, August 16, 2023, at approximately 9:36 a.m., Mr. Romero’s wife came to the school to find out who called the ambulance for her husband. I was in the front office at the time, and I came out to the lobby and spoke to her. I explained that I had called for the ambulance, but the café worker alerted it to me. She wanted to know what I observed, so I explained everything in detail. She said that she was not home and was so grateful that I called an ambulance for her husband. I asked her if he was ok, and she said that Mr. Romero is still in the hospital, and he was intubated until yesterday. She stated I had saved his life, and that if I had not called, he would have died. I explained to her that Ms. Patty VanFleet had brought it to my attention, and if it were not for her vigilance, I would have probably not found him in time.”
President Cabral sent a letter to Officer Chrone about his lifesaving efforts, “I write to you today as President of the International Union of Police Associations to recognize your quick thinking on Thursday, August 10th, 2023 when you responded to a tip that someone was in distress. You got a chair for Mr. David Romero and helped him sit while you called him an ambulance and got him onto it to go to the hospital, an act which his wife has told you saved his life. Being quick to respond at the right place at the right time is imperative in this profession and you did so well. You are a reminder of why officers put on their uniforms each and every day.”

The I.U.P.A. and LEORF Hero Spotlight shines a light on LEOs whose heroism, quick thinking, and dedication are examples to those in our profession and remind us all why we put on the uniform every day. Previous Hero Spotlights have included:
- Hero Spotlight: WACOPS Heroes
- Hero Spotlight: Patrol Officer Austin Bly
- Hero Spotlight: Officer Rusten Sheskey
- Hero Spotlight: Milwaukee Officers
- Hero Spotlight: Yonkers Police Officers
- Hero Spotlight: DEEP Conservation Enforcement Officer Jordan Jacquo
- School Resource Officer David Singer
- Hero Spotlight: Police Officer Dylan Coffman
- Hero Spotlight: Patrolman Jacob K. Vorce and Patrolman Tristan L. Sanders
- Hero Spotlight: WACOPS Officers Protecting And Serving On The Ground And In The Sky
- Hero Spotlight: Deputy Eric Blake
- Hero Spotlight: School Resource Officer Roy
- Hero Spotlight: Detective Monique Gilstrap
- Hero Spotlight: Officer Evan Barone
- Hero Spotlight: Clermont Police Officers
- Hero Spotlight: Dispatcher Trish Geiman
- Hero Spotlight: Officer Nick Jones
- Hero Spotlight: Officer VanArsdale And K9 Anthony
- Hero Spotlight: Melinda Kendall
- Hero Spotlight: Daniel Thompson